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micdotcom: BREAKING: NYC grand jury decides not to indict NYPD cop who killed Eric Garner  Just a week after a grand jury in Ferguson, Missouri, declined to indict police officer Darren Wilson for the killing of Michael Brown, a grand jury in New York

micdotcom:  BREAKING: NYC grand jury decides not to indict NYPD cop who killed Eric

Strawberryalien: &Amp;Ldquo;The Medical Examiner’s Office Ruled Garner’s Death A Homicide Caused By “Compression Of Neck (Chokehold), Compression Of Chest And Prone Positioning During Physical Restraint By Police” (Nypost). Yet There’s No Indictment.

Strawberryalien:  &Amp;Ldquo;The Medical Examiner’s Office Ruled Garner’s Death

Oprah Was Here

Oprah Was Here



Hamburgurl: I’m Like 25% Funny And 85% Bad At Math

Hamburgurl:  I’m Like 25% Funny And 85% Bad At Math

Blowjobe: Katara: Who The Hell Thinks English Is An Easy Language Lmao Honestly Anyone Thats Ever Spoken Any Other Language Ever

Blowjobe:  Katara:  Who The Hell Thinks English Is An Easy Language Lmao  Honestly

All Smiles Here

All Smiles Here

Gengarite: How Are There No Charges Against An Officer Who Used An Illegal Chokehold That Was Outlawed For Its Killing Potential On A Man In Clear View, With Full Visual And Audio Evidence. How Are There No Charges. Not Even Negligent Manslaughter.

Gengarite:  How Are There No Charges Against An Officer Who Used An Illegal Chokehold

Hylianears:fyeahcracker: Rtamerica: Grand Jury Doesn’t Indict Nypd Officer Accused In Illegal Chokehold Death - Reports A New York City Grand Jury Has Decided Not To Indict The New York Police Department Officer Accused Of Killing A Staten Island

Hylianears:fyeahcracker:  Rtamerica:  Grand Jury Doesn’t Indict Nypd Officer Accused

Wavesinjuly: Suckmyphallus: Getterbeam: Imagine If You Named Your Kid Dad. Just Dad. Actually That’s Just His Nickname. His Real Name Is [Trucks Honking], But Everyone Just Calls Him Dad.

Wavesinjuly:  Suckmyphallus:  Getterbeam:  Imagine If You Named Your Kid Dad. Just

Zebablah: My Initial Thoughts In Light Of The Recent Announcement. I Have Nothing Left To Say. 

Zebablah:  My Initial Thoughts In Light Of The Recent Announcement. I Have Nothing

Sweet Apollo

Sweet Apollo

Michaxl Beauty

Michaxl Beauty

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