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gemsuniverse: peterwjdibble: Jamie as Ruby, Sapphire and Garnet in Jail Break.(Requested by @native-voyage) These are getting too far out
9Kitsune: A Hoss / Swole Roo Artist: Spookeedoo
9Kitsune: Halloween Artist: Rabbity
Fuglyselfie: “How Would Your Friends Describe You?”
Victini: Shinjiwiki: Kantn: If You Legitimately Think Pansexual/Non-Binary Is A Term Made Up By Tumblr Or If You Think This Website Actually Has The Capacity To Generate Anything Meaningful In Academia Hope You Get Hit By A Car Why Do You Hate Bi
Theinturnetexplorer: The Best Scene From The Prequels.
Benigoat: Press B To Crouch.
Call Me On The Ouija Board
Demengineerz: When You Take A Game Seriously: When You Don’t:
Syleyndra: Cooknut: Syleyndra: People Who Put Their Hair In Buns 😍 Why
Hollis-Karnstein: In Which Natasha Represents The Fandom
Ablooded: Snk Uses Blood Like Other Anime Use Cherry Blossoms
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