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Zee Zee Martine     aka. “Countessa Du Val”.. A photo from the personal scrapbook collection of Winnie Garrett.. It’s personalized: “To Winnie: Best Wishes from — Countessa”

 Zee Zee Martine     aka. “Countessa Du Val”.. A photo from

Locpix: Showgirls Get The Needle..

Locpix:  Showgirls Get The Needle..

Zorita      (Aka. Katherine Boyd Petillo) Vintage 40’S-Era Press Photo Of Zorita With One Of Her Indigo Snakes…

Zorita      (Aka. Katherine Boyd Petillo) Vintage 40’S-Era Press Photo Of

Adele Latour

Adele Latour

Anita Ventura More Pics Of Anita Can Be Found Here..

 Anita Ventura More Pics Of Anita Can Be Found Here..

Ann Perri      Aka. &Amp;Ldquo;The Jane Russell Of Burlesk&Amp;Rdquo;.. More Pics Of Ann Can Be Found Here..

Ann Perri      Aka. &Amp;Ldquo;The Jane Russell Of Burlesk&Amp;Rdquo;.. More

Flo Ash        Aka. &Amp;Ldquo;The Cutest Little Nudist&Amp;Rdquo;.. Featured In A Vintage Promo Photo Dated From December Of ‘39, Ms. Ash Is Draped In A Sparkly Costume Made Of Cellophane.. She Was Set To Appear In A Revue That Would Play Nightly At

Flo Ash        Aka. &Amp;Ldquo;The Cutest Little Nudist&Amp;Rdquo;.. Featured

April March

April March

A Vintage 50&Amp;Rsquo;S-Era Candid Photo, Captures Showgirls Shakin&Amp;Rsquo;-It-Up On An Unidentified Nightclub Dance Floor; Somewhere In Cuba..

A Vintage 50&Amp;Rsquo;S-Era Candid Photo, Captures Showgirls Shakin&Amp;Rsquo;-It-Up

Largo&Amp;Rsquo;S Lucky Gal Beverly Hills Presents A Slight Distraction To &Amp;Lsquo;Club Largo&Amp;Rsquo; Owner Chuck Landis; As Featured In An Article From The March ‘60 Issue Of ‘Sir Knight’ (Vol.2-No.3) Magazine..

  Largo&Amp;Rsquo;S Lucky Gal Beverly Hills Presents A Slight Distraction To &Amp;Lsquo;Club

Smokee Turner    Vintage Promo Photo Personalized To The Mother Of Burlesque Emcee/Entertainer, Bucky Conrad: “Best Wishes To Louise From  — Smokee Turner ”..

Smokee Turner     Vintage Promo Photo Personalized To The Mother Of Burlesque Emcee/Entertainer,

Cupcake Cassidy

Cupcake Cassidy

Burleskateer: Michele Marshall Later In Her Career, She&Amp;Rsquo;D Dye Her Hair Blonde And Dance As: Bonnie Blue..

Burleskateer:   Michele Marshall Later In Her Career, She&Amp;Rsquo;D Dye Her Hair

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