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Dorothy Darling graces the cover of a 40’s-era issue of ‘National Police Gazette’ magazine.. Photographed by -  Bruno of Hollywood

 Dorothy Darling graces the cover of a 40’s-era issue of ‘National Police Gazette’

Dorian Dennis From Of A Larger Photo Series Taken By Irving Klaw..

Dorian Dennis From Of A Larger Photo Series Taken By Irving Klaw..

Diana Sweet

Diana Sweet

Vintage Publicity Still From Paramount’s 1940 Film: &Amp;Ldquo;A Night At Earl Carroll&Amp;Rsquo;S&Amp;Rdquo;; Directed By Kurt Neumann..  The Script Featured A Contrived Plot About Racketeers Kidnapping Earl Carroll And Some Of His Acts.. And (As Usual) The Film

Vintage Publicity Still From Paramount’s 1940 Film: &Amp;Ldquo;A Night At Earl

Sherry Winters             (Aka. Edy West)

Sherry Winters             (Aka. Edy West)

Evelyn West      Aka. “The $50,000 Treasure Chest”..

Evelyn West      Aka. “The $50,000 Treasure Chest”..

Sonia Szynski      Aka. “The Sultry Sophisticate”..

Sonia Szynski      Aka. “The Sultry Sophisticate”..

Georgia Sothern      Aka. &Amp;Ldquo;The Redheaded Bomb-Shell&Amp;Rdquo;..

Georgia Sothern      Aka. &Amp;Ldquo;The Redheaded Bomb-Shell&Amp;Rdquo;..

Vintage Photo Dated From June 27 - 1945, Features Gypsy Rose Lee Digging Out Some Cash From Her Stocking, To Help Publicize New York City&Amp;Rsquo;S ‘March Of Dimes’ Charity Campaign To End Childhood Paralysis..

Vintage Photo Dated From June 27 - 1945, Features Gypsy Rose Lee Digging Out Some

Gilda     (Aka. Shirley Jean Rickert Measures) A Publicity Still From The 1953 Burlesque Film: &Amp;Ldquo;The A-B-C&Amp;Rsquo;S Of Love&Amp;Rdquo;, Features Gilda Standing At Center Stage.. Blaza Glory (At Left) And Mae Blondell (At Right), Are 2 Of The Dancers

   Gilda     (Aka. Shirley Jean Rickert Measures) A Publicity Still From The 1953

Queerlesquecutie: Dixie Evans

Queerlesquecutie:  Dixie Evans

Irma The Body Candid Backstage Photo From June ‘57, Scanned From My Personal Collection..

 Irma The Body Candid Backstage Photo From June ‘57, Scanned From My Personal Collection..

Jill Huntley      Aka. “Miss Dean Of Tease”..

Jill Huntley      Aka. “Miss Dean Of Tease”..

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