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Willem Panneels Flemish, 1600-after 1632 Saint Sebastian Crowned by an Angel, n.d. Art Institute Chicago
Young Man In Grey By Richard Piloco, 2006
Albrecht Dürer German, 1471-1528 Christ Crowned With Thorns, From The Engraved Passion, 1512, Published 1513 Art Institute Chicago
Kris Knight - Ivory (2013)
Males In Art: The Intimate Companion
Austin Osman Spare (English, 1886-1956), Self-Portrait, 1935. Drawing. Victoria &Amp;Amp; Albert Museum, London.
Toine Likes Art, Vintage And Gay Erotism
Joaquin Sorolla - En La Yola (1910)
Mundo De Hombres
Cody Furguson, Blue Sky (Detail),Oil On Panel
Kieran Brent
The Gifts Of Life
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