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Jacques-Louis David, Drawing of Pestiférés, 1780
Bonaparte Pawning His Watch, Illustration From Sloane’s Life Of Napoleon.
Dante The Magician
René-Antoine Houasse, 1686 Narcissus At The Fountain
Necroluste: Cover Illustration For Névrose By Emile Morel.
Gerard Van Honthorst (1590 - 1656) Christ Crowned With Thorns (Detail)Oil On Canvas, 1620S
Ronald Wright
Neptune And Amphitrite. 1583. Cornelis Van Haarlem. Dutch. 1562-1638. Oil /Canvas.
Eric Kennington - 1888-1960
Ernest Bieler 1863-1948
Corneille De Lyon, Francois De Montmorency, 1570-74.
Aimé Barraud (1902 - 1954)
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