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mrkmja: iraffiruse: How puppies help when you’re sick. help i’m convulsing
Milkifyme: The Most Anticipated Game Of 2014
Tsundere-Dragon: Thehomelessone Said: Having Opinions?! Atrocious! What Next, Voting For What You Believe In? Piebeatscake Said: You Bully Xhitorichi Said: How Dare You Have An Opinion. You All Are Great
Tsundere-Dragon: Medakamonogatari Said: No … I Think They Mean On How You Stated Your Opinion. :D If I Think Something Is Terrible, I’m Gonna Say It’s Terrible. I’m Not Sugar Coating Anything, Never My Style
Cosplayeverywhere: Outbreak Company (アウトブレイク・カンパニー) ~ Myucel Foaran (ミュセル・フォアラン) 1, 2, 3, 4.
Tentacuddles: Zamii070: Well One Of Us Is Going To Have To Change… Paige
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Tsundere-Dragon: Finally I Think I May Be Able To Catch Up On Dragonar But When I’m Watching Between How Cute I Think Silvia And Eco Are I’ll Probably Spend So Much Time Making Screencaps And Gifs That It’ll Take Awhile
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