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#Publicart #Oakland #Bart #Bridge #Oaklandalamedacoliseum #Bayarea #Art #Warriors #Raiders #Raidernation #Oaklandathletics #Losatleticos #Oakland #Oaktown #Oaklandraiders #Goldenstate #Champions
#Mob #Oakland #Oaktown #Oaklandraiders #Rn4L #Raidernation #Raiders #Reppin #Brother #Ozzy @Wizkidozz (At Oakland Raiders Coliseum&Amp;Hellip;..)
#Oaklandalamedacoliseum #Oaklandraiders #Oaklandathletics #Goldenstate #Warriors #Raidernation #Losatleticos #Championships #Champions #Bayarea #Bart #Yayarea #Myhouse #Ourhouse (At Oakland Coliseum, Home Of The Oakland Athletics)
#Prepandimonium #Oaktown #Oaklandalamedacoliseum #Coliseum #Ourhouse #Myhouse #Raiders #Raidernation (At Oakland Raiders Coliseum&Amp;Hellip;..)
#Ozzy #Brother #Bart #Raiders #Rn4L #Reppin (At Bart)
#Postgamegrub #Chinesefusion #Pho #Pittsburg #California #Railroadave #Spicy #Horngry #Beer #Tiger @Wizkidozz @Thebaldbrbr (At Cre Asian Bistro)
Ill Just Leave This Right Here, K? @Mendozanolan @Dozz55 @Tonyperez342 @Nick_Perez @J_Perez77 @Wizkidozz @925Ricardo @Swampy_Waterz
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So I&Amp;Rsquo;M At The Barber And This Happened! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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