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Really I’m something of a tragedy. Everything around me seems like a mistake. My mind is a mistake, what I want seem impossible to attian but I can’t stop
Too Deformed To Appear As I Wish, Transparent.
Crimsonkismet: “Something In My Soul Was Rising, Rising, Ceaselessly, Painfully, And Refused To Be Still.” — Fyodor Dostoyevsky
365Filmsbyauroranocte: Susana (Luis Buñuel, 1951)
Rememberless: Photo By Timothy Paul Smith On Unsplash
Criwes:black Result By Michał Janowski
Crimsonkismet:me, Staring At The Moon, Almost Every Night: I Love You, I Really Do.
Woundgallery:cornelia Parker, The Spider That Died In The Tower Of London, 2000
Wishbzne: Reborn: Journals And Notebooks, Susan Sontag
Malinconie: Gustav Klimt, Philosophie (1899-1907, Destroyed In 1945) And Jurisprudence (1899-1907, Destroyed In 1945)
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