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amespeciale: “Disarmato era l'unica parola che poteva descrivere il mio cuore mentre era accanto al suo.” Sylvia Plath Egon Schiele
Persemmon: “So Therefore I Dedicate Myself To Myself, To My Art, My Sleep, My Dreams, My Labours, My Sufferances, My Loneliness, My Unique Madness, My Endless Absorption And Hunger - Because I Cannot Dedicate Myself To Any Fellow Being.” — Jack
Creativespark: Jack Kerouac, The Slouch Hat (C1960)Oil And Charcoal On Paper, 43X35.2Cm
Lukepilgrim: “One Day I Will Find The Right Words, And They Will Be Simple.” — Jack Kerouac, The Dharma Bums
Acolectorofwords: “Avoid The World, It’s Just A Lot Of Dust And Drag And Means Nothing In The End.”- Jack Kerouac
Quotemadness: “Goddammit Everybody In The World Wants An Explanation For Your Acts And For Your Very Being.” — Jack Kerouac
Creativespark: Salvador Dali, Frontpiece, From His Illustrations For Alice In Wonderland
Creativespark: Philip Gladstone, The Illusionacrylic On Panel, 2016
Creativespark: Robert Mapplethorpe (American, 1946 – 1989)Coral Sea, 1983Platinum Print
Creativespark: Jean Boullet (1921-1970)
Creativespark: Paul Thévenaz (1891-1921)
Creativespark: Henri Gaudier-Brzeska (French, 1891-1915), Male Nude Standing, C1913Ink, 37.4 X 24.2 Cm
Anthonyamadeo: Anthony Amadeo. Clown.
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