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Karlatg: Meryl Streep - “The Iron Lady” London Premiere
Shut-Up-And-Love-Linkin-Park: Mike E Chester :3♥
You Got It Blondie
Alguns Professores Meus Tão Precisando Saber Disso !!! #Fantastic
I Miss Adele.
Hello Sweetie
Fandomslutcakes: Caskett12: Reporter: What Made You Lose 37 Pounds? Raven Symone’: The Pressure Of Society. Finally A Celebrity Who Says The Real Reason Finally An Actor Who Speaks The Truth. Society Makes Girls Think That They Have To Look
Thefuckingweight: Ohh Jane, Myheart ! Y U So Beautiful?
Donnasheridan: Oh, Don’t Be Ridiculous. Andrea. Everybody Wants This. Everybody Wants To Be Us.
Lapriestly: Miranda Priestly - Supermodel
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