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-Jenjam: Normally They Would Be Quarantined As Latent Criminals. But They Are Permitted One Social Activity, Hunting Down Other Criminals. They’re Called Enforcers.
Submachineguns: Ghouls Have Feelings Too. No Different Than Humans Do. Why Don’t Humans Turn Their Attention Toward That? Why Don’t They Try To Understand? It’s Something So Obvious, So Simple. Why Aren’t Ghouls Allowed To Live A Normal Life?
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Tsukiyyama: Zankyou No Terror Requested By Mishimma
Mirrormaskcamera: いただきます! / “Let’s Eat!” By Black Rhombi (Gerald Leung)
Gideongaye: From Chapter 80 Of “Alive: The Final Evolution” By Tadashi Kawashima
Kiryuin Senpai, Pls Notice Me!
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