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on her way to fuck karkat. ||:3c
G3T Your Sh1Tty V3G4N Sh1T 4W4Y From My F4C3
What A Shitty Person
2012//2014 Tegaki Icon Parallels
I Swear Sometimes The Xkit Fast Reblog Doesnt Work Cause Im Tired Of Rebloggin Stuff Here
They Fuel Me
Just My Grl W/ A Mega Stone And A Latias Basically Say Ur Prayers.
Watch Out They Both Krabby
Gamzee Only Uses This Shitty Level 15 Slow Poke That Only Knows Sleep But Really He Has Already Completed His Pokedex And Can Destroy You Any Day.
Despite Having The Worst Pokemon They Are All Op
Kanaya And A Kangaskhan
He Cant Release It Because He Sees Himself In That Magickarp. But Then Heres Were I Pull The Rug From Under Ya
Cloyster Is Cool So Im Giving Karkat One.
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