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fionaapplerocks: Japanese promo cassettes from 1999 [x]

fionaapplerocks: Japanese promo cassettes from 1999 [x]

Mjalti:i Don’t …Like… “Know”

Mjalti:i Don’t …Like… “Know”

Ru-Cp: Two Soft Souls Who Recognize Eachother

Ru-Cp: Two Soft Souls Who Recognize Eachother



Mushysuggestion:honey, I Dream Of You Constantly

Mushysuggestion:honey, I Dream Of You Constantly

Berrypuf:who’s With Me?

Berrypuf:who’s With Me?

Tangerinedream:i Strongly Identify W The Rose Emoji

Tangerinedream:i Strongly Identify W The Rose Emoji

Partialboner: Araki, Instant Film

Partialboner: Araki, Instant Film

Novice-Heartbreaker: Reminder: Relapsing Does Not Diminish Your Recovery. You Have Come Very Far, And Everyone Slips Up Now And Then. One Mistake Will Not Cause All Your Progress To Disappear, So Please Keep Fighting. I Believe In You.

Novice-Heartbreaker: Reminder: Relapsing Does Not Diminish Your Recovery. You Have

Blejz: Ewa Partum Tautological Cinema 1973

Blejz:  Ewa Partum Tautological Cinema 1973

Fu-Kr: Hot Box My Coffin

Fu-Kr: Hot Box My Coffin



Jackalltimelow: Stop! Telling! People! That! No! One! Will! Love! Them! Until! They! Love! Themselves! Stop! Planting! The! Idea! In! Peoples! Brains! That! They! Are! Unworthy! Of! Love! Because! Of! Their! Own! Struggle!

Jackalltimelow: Stop! Telling! People! That! No! One! Will! Love! Them! Until! They!

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