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guy: i’m actually pretty cool just give me like 5 tries to get it right
Whatshotincali: It’s New Years Eve! Make 2015 Worth It. &Amp;Lt;3
0Ce4N-G0D: Distortion Of Space By Haerang
Rubennfigueiredo: My Mom Say That Everyone Has A Beautiful Side. So I Guess I’m A Circle.
Voltae: The Beach At 6 Pm Is Gorgeous
Tradegyisinmyblood: Pvris In The New Alt Press Magazine.
Stupid Felipe
Rainswept-Flower: [Turns In Large Swivel Chair] So, You’re Probably Wondering Why I- Hold On That Was Fun [Spins] Haha Yeah Anyway [Keeps Spinning] I Brought You Here Because [Spins Faster] Y’know What Nevermind You Can Go
Plasma-Boy: ت
Azeoa: Don’t Have Crushes On People Cause They Either Make You Hate Yourself Or Make You Hate Them
White People Bios Be Like:
Clannyphantom: &Amp;Ldquo;Maybe You Wouldnt Be So Tired If You Went To Bed Earl-&Amp;Rdquo;
Onlybecauseeveryoneelsehasone: Blue-Eyes White Dragon And Red-Eyes Black Dragon
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