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filmgifs: “It is said that the birds absorbed death, then flew to the sun to burn it off.But they flew so close they went blind.” – Knife+Heart (2018) dir. Yann Gonzalez
Fysunmi: Chogiseok: For @Dazedkorea, With @Kmiiinj @Jaden__Cho
Saoirseronan:al Pacino As Sonny Wortzik In Dog Day Afternoon (1975)
Stydixa: It Has Nothing To Do With Satan, Mama. It’s Me. Me. If I Concentrate Hard Enough, I Can Move Things.carrie (1976) Dir. Brian De Palma
Stuckinreversemode: Blue Valentine (2010, Dir. Derek Cianfrance)
Beyonceknowless: The World Is Cursed. But Still, You Find Reasons To Keep Living. Princess Mononoke (1997)
Parasoli:“Falling Garden” By Gerda Steiner And Jorg Lenzlinger For 50Th Venice Biennale In 2003 In Church San Stae - Grand Canal.
Samuelljackson:2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Dir. Stanley Kubrick
Pocmodels:ashley Radjarame Photographed By Carijn Jacobs For Vogue Paris - September 2020
Everdeen: Rinko Kikuchi As Mako Moripacific Rim (2013) | Dir. Guillermo Del Toro
Sooyoungchoi: We Had Posted A Cover And We Noticed This One Started To Become A Lot More Viral Than Usual. Two Weeks Later, We Got An Email From [Beyoncé’s] Team And They Were Asking Us If They Could Post The Video And If We Were Signed. We Were
Tlighthouse: The Love Witch (2016) Dir. Anna Biller
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