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Juicyjuice-Julesbox: Pm Do Rio De Janeiro Ataca Manifestantes No Momento Em Que Cantavam O Hino Nacional. #Changebrazil #Protestorj #Vemprarua
Kurolove: Awkwardlilgirl: Support To The Brazilian Protests In Dublin, Ireland. I Love You, Guys *Crying*
Villagewest: A Better Brazil Is Possible! #Changebrazil #Ogiganteacordou #Vemprarua Thank You!
Ripace: She Lost Her Bra But At Least Managed To Keep Her Panty On…
Everything Anime Here!
Lightdragon1612: Right Well, I Had Too. Really Quick, Done In Word. Gerza Moments In New Ova. Im Still Nosebleeding.
Eles Apenas Envelheceram De Um Desenho Para O Outro.
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Tradutora: Pt-Bra Nossa Bandeira Diz: “Ordem E Progresso” E Não “Fique Quieto Enquanto O Governo Faz Merda”. Muita Força Aos Manifestantes! Enour Flag Says: “Order And Progress”, Not: “Stay Put While The Government Makes A Mess”. Stay
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