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Merry Christmas to all!!! And to all a good night!!! πŸŽ„β„β›„πŸŽπŸŽΆπŸ˜˜β€ #merrychristmas

Merry Christmas to all!!! And to all a good night!!! πŸŽ„β„β›„πŸŽπŸŽΆπŸ˜˜β€ #merrychristmas

The Magnificent Horsehead Nebula #Nasa #Apod #Horseheadnebula #Barnard33 #Stellarwinds #Radiation #Dust #Orioncloudcomplex #Ic434 #Emissionnebula #Ngc2023 #Reflectionnebula #Interstellar #Universe #Milkyway #Space #Science #Astronomy

The Magnificent Horsehead Nebula #Nasa #Apod #Horseheadnebula #Barnard33 #Stellarwinds

Ngc 6357: Stellar Wonderland #Ngc6357 #Starformation #Star #Stars #Gas #Dust #Starcluster #Stellarwinds #Radiation #Magneticfield #Gravity #Constellation #Scorpion #Interstellar #Universe #Space #Science #Astronomy

Ngc 6357: Stellar Wonderland #Ngc6357 #Starformation #Star #Stars #Gas #Dust #Starcluster

M31: The Andromeda Galaxy #Nasa #Apod #M31 #Andromeda #Galaxy #Andromedagalaxy #Messier #Messierobjects #Intergalactic #Universe #Space #Science #Astronomy

M31: The Andromeda Galaxy #Nasa #Apod #M31 #Andromeda #Galaxy #Andromedagalaxy #Messier

Thank You For The Love @Reddlipskitty!! 😘

Thank You For The Love @Reddlipskitty!! 😘

Alcohol For A Gift From A Coworker?! I&Amp;Rsquo;Ll Take It!! I See Mimosas In My Future!!! πŸ˜‹πŸŠπŸ· #Champagne #Orangejuice #Mimosa #Mimosas

Alcohol For A Gift From A Coworker?! I&Amp;Rsquo;Ll Take It!! I See Mimosas In My

So Many Great People Lost This Year!!! 😒 #Rip #Carriefisher #Princessleia

So Many Great People Lost This Year!!! 😒 #Rip #Carriefisher #Princessleia

A Little Bit Of A Late Post. But This Was From My Wonderful Christmas Day Dinner With Good Friends And Family In My Beautiful Home!!! I Love You All!!! (At Revere, Massachusetts)

A Little Bit Of A Late Post. But This Was From My Wonderful Christmas Day Dinner

And On A Sad Note. This Is What Happens When You Drop Your Phone And It Lands Face Flat!! Ugh, Fml!!! 😭😭😭

And On A Sad Note. This Is What Happens When You Drop Your Phone And It Lands Face

Liked On Youtube: &Amp;Ldquo;Secret Crew Rest Area Qantas Boeing 747&Amp;Rdquo; Http://Youtu.be/Ocxw_Psvz50

Liked On Youtube: &Amp;Ldquo;Secret Crew Rest Area Qantas Boeing 747&Amp;Rdquo; Http://Youtu.be/Ocxw_Psvz50

Liked On Youtube: &Amp;Ldquo;Guided Tour Inside The E-4B Naoc Doomsday Plane&Amp;Rdquo; Http://Youtu.be/Mazdutb0Ojs

Liked On Youtube: &Amp;Ldquo;Guided Tour Inside The E-4B Naoc Doomsday Plane&Amp;Rdquo;

Curiosity Surveys Lower Mount Sharp On Mars #Nasa #Apod #Jpl #Caltech #Msss #Curiosity #Rover #Mountsharp #Mars #Planet #Solarsystem #Space #Science #Astronomy

Curiosity Surveys Lower Mount Sharp On Mars #Nasa #Apod #Jpl #Caltech #Msss #Curiosity

Shell Game In The Lmc #Nasa #Apod #Lmc #Largemegallaniccloud #Gas #Dust #Sulfur #Hydrogen #Oxygen #Ionization #Star #Stars #Radiation #Winds #Clouds #Tarantulanebula #Satellitegalaxy #Constellation #Dorado #Universe #Space #Science #Astronomy

Shell Game In The Lmc #Nasa #Apod #Lmc #Largemegallaniccloud #Gas #Dust #Sulfur #Hydrogen

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