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[11:17:13 PM] Lune (º✖º): why would you smell bubbles[11:17:23 PM] Auwa: gettin hi[11:17:26 PM] Lune (º✖º): lmfao
Rabbithugs: Synthezoid: Kaciart: There There Was Bruce/Jason For Teal Sweet Jesus Oh Wow This Really Hits My Gay Boys Being Gay Fetish!!!
Akumyo: Okay I Feel Slightly Better Now
Chickensnack: Who Likes Bubbles Gettin Bubbly
Factorybastard: Oh My God, Thorton Is The Fucking Greatest Pokémon Character Ever Created. Why Is His Butt So Big Whats With The Clouds Did He Just Fart
Factorybastard: If Only…
Weaboostories: Recently A Group Of Friends And I Went To A Convention In Our Area, And This “Yaoi Eagle” Was In The Dealers Room Selling For $70. They Had All This Nazi Shit But They’d Glue Paper Over The Swastikas And Write “Yaoi” In Crude
Jesus Fuck
Boynoizes-: I Am Crying I Am Not Kidding Oh My Fucking God
Fucking Altair
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