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every artist is a cannibal - every poet is a thief: A Disclaimer
(Via Kimnita) Aljfasdlfj Ffffff. Andy, Ily.
Amor Fati
(Via Fuckyeahglamberts) Gorgeous.
I Have Moments Like This.
Secondstar05: Quintossential: Sisterspock: Laura-D:-Ryan:thetonightshow:taargustaargus Two Corgis On A Treadmill
Well Yes, I Understand. When I Fall In Love It Won't Be Exactly Like Edward And Bella, And He May Not Be No Bruno Mars And Sing To Me How Beautiful I Am. My Valentine's Day Probably Won't End Up Like The Movie; Valentine's Day. He Might Not Knock Me Over
Burstofeuphoria: Evilmin: Sadlifeissad: (Via Agentawesome, Raindropsonredroses) True. Sofa King True. Naaaaaah. Ooooh Wow Another List That Promotes The Gender Binary To The Unsuspecting Population On Tumblr. Guess What? Guys, Girls, Genderqueers,
Feverishneed: Harrythehamster: Danabulilit: Agathalovesyou: Colaflavored: (Via Micamariano, Ryanselvy) Lmfao Ooh Violence Against Women- Hilarious.
(Via Jnav1) Aldjfslfj I Love How Big Puppies Always Seem To Be So Gentle Toward Babies &Amp;Lt;3
Heroes-And-Cons: Yellowcars: Hellsyeahjgl: Epic Win. (Via Augusthail) Yeahhh Pretty Accurate.
Fuckyeahtattoos: Fuckyeahzelda: This Is My Roommate’s ( Neato Tattoo He Got A Few Months Ago. Amazing, Right? Submitted By Asidefromcamelot Best Tattoo Ever. All Others Can Gtfo.
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