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regardintemporel: Daido Moriyama - Sans Titre, 1995
Artmastered: Gino Severini, Dynamic Hieroglyphic Of The Bal Tabarin, 1912
Mpdrolet: Crushed Cars #2, Tacoma 2004 From Intolerable Beauty: Portraits Of American Mass Consumption (2003-2005) Chris Jordan
Bestiario: Winslow Homer
Lyghtmylife: Moroni, Giovanni Battista [Italian Mannerist Painter, Ca.1520-1578] The Tailorc. 1570Oil On Canvas, 97 X 74 Cmnational Gallery, London
Proustitute: Federico Fellini, 8½, 1963
Hellenismo: Δευτέρα Ἱσταμένου, Ii Day From Today’s Sunset: Second Day Of Metageitnion. The Second Day Is Always Sacred To The Agathos Daimon, To All The Heroes And Heroines And To The Chthonian Deities. It Is Also A Day Sacred To Poseidon.
Hellenismo: Red-Figure Lekythos With The Representation Of A Winged Eros In An Idyllic Landscape. From A Cemetery Of Akraifnio, Last Third Of The 4Th Cent.bc. Museum Of Thebes.
Lyghtmylife: Kitaj, R.b. [American Pop Artist, 1932-2007] The Autumn Of Central Paris (After Walter Benjamin) - 1972-3Oil On Canvascollection Mrs. Susan Lloyd, New York
Childe Hassam (1859 - 1935), A Back Road, N/D
Thorsteinulf: Pablo Picasso - The Studio (1955)
Urgetocreate: Odilon Redon, Street In Samois, 1888
Artmastered: Jacopo Bassano, Two Hounds, 1548-49
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