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“Could it think, the heart would stop beating.” — Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet
Tres Roemer
Beatrice Squitti
Max Dupain, Pamela’s Hour, 1936
Gacougnol: Menoevil Photography “Another Shape” 2013
Marcel G. Lefrancq, La Loi De La Coincidences, 1948
Inezvanvuren: Inez Van Vuren
Inez Van Vuren
“Perhaps I Know Best Why It Is Man Alone Who Laughs; He Alone Suffers So Deeply That He Had To Invent Laughter.” — Friedrich Nietzsche, The Will To Power
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Miss-Catastrofes-Naturales: Will Mcbride Overpopulation (1969)
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Sacha Baumann
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