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pondlifeforme: (x)
Thespianseaotter: Swiggity-Swho-Doctor-Who: Cumberrage: Leftmyheartinthetardis: Unfchester: Cyphixx: Pierce—The-Silence: W0Rthasmuchas-A-Penny: I-Am-Superjohnlocked: Gallifreyishome: Gallifreyan-Hero: Ravetimeravetimeplacenta: Braydaaan:
Desintegrer: Desintegrer: Guess Who Has A Boyfriend If You Guessed Me You Guessed Wrong
Alcogrohlic: Wrath-As-Lightning: Smells-Like-Teen-Spirit14: The Two Sides Of Tumblr. This Is The Most Accurate Thing I’ve Ever Seen I’m Both.
Thatsmoderatelyraven: Might As Well Shut Down School Too
Samantha Maria
I Got Trouble On My Mind
Kidsboop: Fake-Mermaid: Youdontknowhowidream: You Know What’s Funny…Shrek And Monsters Inc Both Came Out In 2001… Miley Is 20… Oh And Tv Was Invented In The 1920’S… Jesus Christ^ Omfg
Kanyegg: Willsmith420: Gwenelizz: Someone Please Explain To Me Why Will Smith Looks Exactly The Same As He Did In 1989 Maybe Its Just Sheer Will Power
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