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Elle of the Trash Pile
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Freakshow /// Luckied
Rebecca Catalina, 2Nd Lieutenant
Zetchan: The Noragami Fandom When Fujisaki/Trash Dad Appears Tbh:
I-Just-Need-To-Let-It-Be-And-Rp: Luckied: His Fingers Dug Into Orion’s Arms As He Was Held, Forcing Himself To Listen And Remain Calm. His Blond Head Nodded Quickly At Hearing The Children Were All Right, But It Was Still Horrific. “Can…Can
Akeyfactor: Luckied: Jean Placed His Hands On His Hips, Head Tilting To One Side. “That Seems To Happen A Lot Around Here,” He Muttered With A Cocky Smile And Then Raised A Hand, Pointing His Thumb Over His Shoulder. “It’s This Way And I’m
Not Going To Lie, But Possibly The Number One Reason I Love Noragami And Yato Is Because His Eyes Go Like Thisadd On The Stupid Cat Smile And It Kills Me.
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