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cublovers: Peter joined Tumblr!
In Cubs We Trust.
(Via Cublovers, Poiluhairy)
Ferrum-Animam:clearly Working Hard On My Assessments!! (Nahhht)
Ferrum-Animam:happy To Finally Be Home After A Very Exhausting 48 Hours. Haircut, Video Shoot, Clubbing, Uni (Hungover) And Then Lunch With The Uni Folk. Bed, I’ll Never Abandon You Again. *Hugs Pillow*
Ferrum-Animam:nighty Night Everyone! #Bed #Selfies #Gay #Gaycub #Boy #Gpoy #Me
Ferrum-Animam:which Do We Prefer Followers? A Week And A Bit Of Laziness Or Relatively Fresh Faced Me? #Selfies #Shaving #Gay #Gaycub #Me #Gpoy #Beforeafter
Ferrum-Animam:time For Bed. Well, Almost, First I Have Some Deadpool To Read. Then Sleep. Maybe..
Ferrum-Animam:internet’s Capped. Aircon’s Broken. Friends Are Busy. Blah. What A Terrible 38 Degree Day -.-. #Summersmakinganappearance #Stupidaircon #Selfie #Gpoy #Me #Gay #Gaycub #Singlet #Glasses #Stillaranga #Booyeah
Ferrum-Animam:shaving Fun Time!
Ferrum-Animam:stayed Up All Night To Watch The Dw Special, Now I Can’t Freaking Sleep!! So Much Aghhhhh!
Ferrum-Animam:bed Time For This Idiot Who Hasn’t Slept In 2 Days. Pleasant Dreams And Pleasanter Days, Followers :).
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