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eljackinton: darksideofchenria: Last night I reached the 200 followers mark for my little NSFW art blog here. And as a thank you I decided to do a little giveaway.  To clarify what you can win: I will draw a picture of two characters, full color with

eljackinton:  darksideofchenria:  Last night I reached the 200 followers mark for

Eljackinton: Saniika: Saniika: Happy 500 Followers Raffle! Thanks For Your Patronage Here And Here Is My Thanks - 3 Chances To Get My Art For Free :) 1 Place - Upgraded Watercolored Sketch 2 Place - Linework Sketch 3 Place - Headshot Sketch Rules:

Eljackinton:  Saniika:  Saniika:  Happy 500 Followers Raffle! Thanks For Your Patronage

Pxppunkpizza: Metalhearted: This Guy Narrates People’s Lives Randomly In Public And It’s Hilarious [Source] The People That Go Along With It Tho

Pxppunkpizza:  Metalhearted:  This Guy Narrates People’s Lives Randomly In Public

Tumblr Is Dying

Tumblr Is Dying

Dandalf-Thegay: What Happened Last Night??

Dandalf-Thegay:  What Happened Last Night??

Crispculture: Star Wars X New Era Caps

Crispculture:  Star Wars X New Era Caps

Caledscratch: 3000—21: Oswinses: Enjorlaas: Skuboglesby: Bilingual My Ass. You’re Either Heterolingual Or Homolingual #You’re Not Bilingual  #You’re Confused  #Stop Being Greedy    #It’s Just A Phase #You’ll Meet A Nice Language

Caledscratch:  3000—21:  Oswinses:  Enjorlaas:  Skuboglesby:  Bilingual My Ass.

0Ce4N-G0D: Stingray Cruise Patrol By Kristoffer Larsen

0Ce4N-G0D:  Stingray Cruise Patrol By Kristoffer Larsen

Clockatrice: Monopropellant: Dunyun-Rings: I Saw Some Great Pigeons The Other Day These Are Normal Pigeons Yes But They’re Great

Clockatrice:  Monopropellant:  Dunyun-Rings:  I Saw Some Great Pigeons The Other

Andromeda Killer

Andromeda Killer

Chekhovzgun: On Sundays We Don’t Wear Pants

Chekhovzgun:  On Sundays We Don’t Wear Pants

Sixpenceee: Alpine Ibexes Climb Nearly 90 Degree Angles To Lick Salt Deposits Of Of Mountainsides. They Crave That Mineral. (Source)

Sixpenceee:  Alpine Ibexes Climb Nearly 90 Degree Angles To Lick Salt Deposits Of



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