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vellaude: I just had to make this.
Vellaude: Rest In Pieces, Hanamaki. (Click The Image For A Better View!)
How Do You Say “I Don't Know” In Your Native Language Or The Language You Are Learning?
I Really Want To Play Rainmaker But It&Amp;Rsquo;S Not Gonna Be In For 3 Rotations&Amp;Hellip;&Amp;Hellip;..O(-(
Hawberries: My Aesthetic: Oikawa Teasingly Asking Iwaizumi For Affection And Then Losing It When Iwaizumi Actually Complies
Vellaude: Demons
Spicybara: Kuroo
Cometkite: Hello Daydreamer
Hanabusan → 0Ik
So Like What If Iwaoi Personality Swap &Amp;Amp; Iwa Calling Oiks Oikawa-Chan Or Sth Omf Someone Pls Talk To Me About This Also Setter Iwa And Jealous Wing Spiker Oik B/C Wtf Iwaizumi Those Arms Are Made For Spiking
Tfw Ur Squid Partying With Someone But Then They’re On The Opposite Team The Next Match So U Spend The Entire Match Looking For Them And When U Finally Find Them It Feels Like U Haven’t Seen Each Other In Years And It’s Just *Melancholic Violin
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