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Hey, remember that time in Road to Singapore (1931) when William Powell gave First Aid to a piglet?
Those Alabama Hospital Doors (By Fwdphotography)
Corazón De Poeta
Hell Was The Journey But It Brought Me Heaven
The Shining / 1980 / Dir. Stanley Kubrick
Fuckyeahmarxismleninism: Yuri Kochiyama, 1921-2014, Presente!”People Have A Right To Violence, To Rebel, To Fight Back. And Given What The United States Government And Western Powers Have Done To The Third World, I Feel That These Countries Should
Olga’s Girls
13 Léo Ferré Le Flamenco De Paris (By Can You Hear Me?)
Faith Picozzi By Filip Milenkovic
Treadmill To Oblivion
Janiewyman: Gene Tierney, 1947
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