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brinconvenient: An owl on a towel.
Cute-Overload: Don’t Call It A Bark-Alounger!Http://
Dinofarts: Today In Biology Class We Learned That When You Mow The Grass The Blades Release A Chemical That Makes That Glorious Smell But The Reason Why They Release The Chemical Is To Warn Other Grass Blades Of Danger So When We Smell The Freshly Cut
Foodishouldnoteat: If You Love Food Follow My Blog!
Mineralists: Rhodochrosite With Quartz From Sweet Home Mine, Colorado
Lozalot: Title: A Pets Love Pairing: Sunstreaker/Bob Summery: Sunstreaker Feeling Horny… And There’s Only One Thing That Can Satisfy His Need An: More Bob/Sunstreaker Smut For Rudimech She Wanted More So Here It Is! Sequel To Masters-Company So
Nauticae: Let’s All Pretend Those Black Shadows Make Sense
Sydlizard: Zakuro-San: Nyooooooooooooooooooooommmfwomp I Want One!
Ggeology: Magnetite And Calcite // Otamo Dolomite Quarry, Siikainen, Western And Inner Finland Region, Finland
Sirkai Blogs Some Stuff
Ifuckingloveminerals: Fluorite Xianghuapu Mine (Maiwan Mine), Xianghualing Sn-Polymetallic Ore Field, Linwu Co., Chenzhou Prefecture, Hunan Province, China
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