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rokkakudaiheights replied to your post “No really, who’s Nester” have you not read nintendo power Yes…just not the older issues
Helloyesthisispapermario: 似たものどうし By ぺぱでん
Blackghostlucario Replied To Your Post: “No Really, Who’s Nester”: A Joke From Nintendo You&Amp;Rsquo;Re Right It Has To Be, With April Fools Coming Up, I Should Have Known
Homuism: Now In Hd
Erenishuman: When Ppl Write “I Probably Hate You” In Their Tumblr Descriptions
Overdid: Do You Ever Feel Lonely And Unwanted Even If You Are With Your Friends
I'm So Fluffy
Jonathanjo: When Wolf From Starfox Has A Sharingan
Arthur Out Of Context
Theodd1Sout: Me As A Kid.
Weeaboo Central
Purpurastar: Talk Dirty To Me
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