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Imagine GLaDOS as a GPS though
Despairnaegami:personasanta: Does Anybody Else Think Tired And Sleepy Mean Two Totally Different Things Sleepy Is Cute And Dozing Off And Happy But Tired Is 10 Cups Of Coffee And Murder
Anakinskywkler: Like It’s Real I Mean Look At Obis Face
Dragonageconfessions: Confession: I Like To Think That The Only Reason That There Are Are So Many Bears And Their So Powerful In Inquisition Is Because The Warden And Hawke Disarmed So Many Bear Traps.
Thegirlwhocan: #I Feel As Though This Sums Up Their Personalities Quite Well
Willcub: The Line That Will Go Down In History.
Yayodelacruz:sughlk:crisnait: Novela Weddings Be Like I Hope My Wedding Is As Dramatic As This That Walk Damn She Was Cold
Mass Effect
Themoonrocketride: ????!?!??!??? Whaaaaaaaaat!!!
Zanvalker:theamazingfullbuster:unmute Iti Love This Man
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