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Maybe I’ll actually go to sleep now. But. Accel World.

Maybe I’ll actually go to sleep now. But. Accel World.

Δd = V₁T + ½At²

Δd = V₁T + ½At²

Ryanroasts: If U Dont Think I’d Do Some Fucked Up Shit For Concert Tickets Then U Are Dead Wrong 

Ryanroasts:  If U Dont Think I’d Do Some Fucked Up Shit For Concert Tickets Then

Cleopatrasweave: Finally I Feel A Spiritual Connection To Jesus

Cleopatrasweave:  Finally I Feel A Spiritual Connection To Jesus

Redwhirlwind89: I Think This Is The Most Romantic Line In A Movie Ever. 

Redwhirlwind89:  I Think This Is The Most Romantic Line In A Movie Ever. 

Lux In Tenebris

Lux In Tenebris

Pretty Odd In Your Eyes.

Pretty Odd In Your Eyes.

Viviscapism: Horcruxofthetimelords: Afemininstinthemaking: Askbutterscotch: I Could See That.  I Would Watch That. Now That’s Something That Would Be Worth Watching &Amp;Ldquo;Daniel Could Be Snape&Amp;Rdquo; I’m Actually 1100% Behind This

Viviscapism:  Horcruxofthetimelords:  Afemininstinthemaking:  Askbutterscotch:  I

Makemestfu: Everything Relate

Makemestfu:  Everything Relate

I Wanna Be The Blog

I Wanna Be The Blog

Sherkhanlock: Dream-A-Little-Disney: Bordering-On-Beautiful: Mall0Mars: Youalrightfreddy: This Is My Teacher Right Now. Is Your Teacher A Sting Ray The Teacher From Finding Nemo. Lets Name The Zones, The Zones, The Zones, Lets Name The Zones

Sherkhanlock:   Dream-A-Little-Disney:  Bordering-On-Beautiful:  Mall0Mars:  Youalrightfreddy:

Anime Butts Drive Me Nuts

Anime Butts Drive Me Nuts

Anime Butts Drive Me Nuts

Anime Butts Drive Me Nuts

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