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Plantsrocksthings: Stephanotis Floribunda.
Francescointoppa: Corbezzolo (Arbutus Unedo, Ericaceae)
Plantsrocksthings: Viburnum Dentatum ‘Blue Muffin’.
Hortushorrei: The Ghosts Of Galeazza; Papaver Rhoeas. The White And Very Light Pastel Poppies From The Castle Garden Are Appearing Here And There At Corte Eremo. I Love Them.
Lesliegale: Native Swamp Azalea, Rhododendron Viscosum, And Pinxterbloom Azalea, Rhododendron Periclymenoides, 7 May 2014.
Eisakux: クマシメジ。5/6 白雲神社前にて。
Plantcuddles: Fairy Tree And Views From On It
Ficusfern: Libutron: Pinguicula Esseriana | ©Carlos Tatsuta These Beautiful Rosettes Belong To The Species Pinguicula Esseriana (Lamiales - Lentibulariaceae), A Butterwort Endemic To San Luis Potosí State In Mexico. It Is A Carnivorous Plants
Yungncute: It’s Glowing
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