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Wrotten: Desperate Marble
Wrotten: A Very Unusual Genetic Color Variation In White-Tailed Deer — Rarer Even Than Albinism — Produces All-Black Offspring In That Species Which Are Known As “Melanistic” Or “Melanic” Deer. (Read More)
Thunderstruck9: John Atkinson Grimshaw (British, 1836-1893), The Last Gleam, 1883. Oil On Canvas, 20 X 30 In.
Catonhottinroof: Konstantin Korovin (1861-1939) Bastille / A Bustling Street In Paris / Les Grands Boulevards, Paris La Nuit / Porte Saint-Denis At Night /Moulin Rouge, Paris
Shaheenov7: Qashqai Women Weaving A Carpet In Firuzabad, Iran
Contemporary-Art-Blog: Janaina Mello, Ciclotrama, 2015
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