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ikwt: Orca above water (Raj Gupta) | ikwt
I-Donline: “I Want People To Hear My Voice And Just… Forget Their Troubles For Five Minutes.” Amy Winehouse: A Family Portrait Opens At The Jewish Museum.
Ryantippery: Ryan Tippery | Informel, Nº 27
Mydarkenedeyes: Antony Gormley
Vjeranski: Elisa Johns
Unrar: Portugal, Strolling The Beach At Nazare 1985, Bruno Barbey.
Unrar: Morocco, 1986, Bruno Barbey.
Sanspower: Two Ariaal Boys Herd Cattle In Northern Kenya. The Ariaal Are Holdouts From An Ancient Age As One Of The Few Tribes Still Living A Nomadic Herding Lifestyle. Photo Credit: Maria Stenzel
Vjeranski: Yoshida Toshimt. Fuji From Mt. Katsuragi,1983Azumino In Early Spring,1989.
Lesstalkmoreillustration: Sang Miao
Anitaleocadia: Oscar Nin Website/Facebook/Saatchi Art
20Aliens: Asako Narahashi
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