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Calligraphuck: Fucking Tremendous!
Calligraphuck: Just Click Your Heels Together And Go Fuck Yourself! #Calligraphy #Handlettering #Dorothy #Moleskine (Taken With Instagram)
Calligraphuck: #Omg #Stfu #Calligraphy #Typography #Ink #Handlettering (Taken With Instagram)
Slobber Princess
Hifructosemag: Beth Cavener Stichter (Featured In Hi-Fructose Vol. 16) Caught Our Attention With Her Raw Sculptural Style. The Artist Forms Animals By Hollowing Out Blocks Of Clay, Giving Her Subjects A Raw, Unrefined Appearance As If They Sprang From
Antonostlundphoto: Photography By Anton Östlund.
The Architecture Blog
Gentle-Insomnia: France, Collected From An Old National Geographic
It's Almost As Gauche As It Is Outlandish
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