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Nanolemon: Christinaaaa Oooh &Amp;Lt;3 To Cud, Że On Nie Ma Krzywych Nóg.
&Quot;People Think Depression Is About Being Sad. They Think It’s Just When You ‘Feel Down’. It’s Not. It’s Like A Darkness That Creeps Over You And Fills You. It Drains All Your Emotions. It Takes Everything From You, And Leaves You Feeling Hollow
(Via Laurenfezzoli, Gitsiewood) Ależ Prawdziwe.
Manglemymind: Hatback: Rexyz: Have These. Severe. Ahhhhh This Is Me Fuck Yeah. To O Mnie!
Dokładnie. Im Bardziej Piszę Fick.
Coś Wspaniałego.
Było, Ale Co Z Tego?
Manglemymind: Rock-Steadysexiness: Miss1901: I Try To!! &Amp;Gt;:/ Lol (Via Fuckyeahadobo) Biedronku :* Nawłaju :*
Black-And-White: Remains Of World’s Oldest Houses On Stilts (By Kees Smans)
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