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rerylikes: Gerhard Richter. Grau (Grey), 250 cm X 200 cm, Oil on canvas, Catalogue Raisonné: 361-3, 1974 (via matt-niebuhr) TEN OBRAZ. To jest to.
Entr ' Acte
Subtilitas: Atelier Kempe Thill - Looking Up The Stairwell In The Zwolle Apartment Building, 2009. Via.
Steros: Old Stairs
Talitha Joy
0Rpheus: Optical Illusions Cokolwiek To Jest, Jest Ładne.
Tengyusyoten: ドイツ建築の歴史(1885/ドイツ)Geschite Der Deutschen Baukunst,1885,Illust.
I Blog When I'm Bored.
Narkissa: Black Angel
It-Is-The-Stone-Cold-World: Nocturn (By Candido Baldacchino)
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