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Werkaetzchen: Fuckyeahchelseagirls: The Entry From Andy Warhol’s Diary From Monday 6 October 1980 Nico
Theunderestimator-2: Theunderestimator: The Clash Photographed By Chester Simpson At A Press Conference In San Francisco In 1979. (Via) The Honorable Paul Simonon Presiding As I’m-Bored-I’m-The-Chairman-Of-The-Bored.
Coq: John Yuyi
Karakalpink: Fucking Young! : ‘Cowboy’ Ph: Stini Röhrs
Electric Witch
Jdzcity: Gq Style B-Cut
Jdzcity: Kaitee
Jdzcity: Sergey
Jdzcity: Gq B-Cut
Grupaok:jack Pierson, As If He Belonged. No One, 1991
Postpunkindustrial: Fm Einheit, Einstürzende Neubauten, Zeche Bochum 1984© Foto: Richard Gleim
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