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andresbestardmaggio: “En fuga” / Existencia“On the run” / ExistenceAcrílico y Tinta / 18 x 30 cm / 1992deviantart | facebook | twitter | website | pinterest
Lamaleph: ماذا نفعلُ في هذا الوطن الذي يخاف أن يرى جسده في المرآة حتى لا يشتهيه - نزار قباني Que Faisons-Nous Encore Dans Cette Patrie Qui Craint De Regarder Son Corps Dans Un Miroir Pour
Dappledwithshadow: The Skeleton Painterjames Ensor - Circa 1895-1896 Koninklijk Museum Voor Schone Kunsten - Antwerp (Belgium) Painting - Oil On Panel Height: 37.7 Cm (14.84 In.), Width: 46 Cm (18.11 In.)
Twofigs: Caravaggio, The Incredulity Of St. Thomas (Detail), C.1601Lucio Fontana, Spatial Concept, 1960
Orwell: “There Is No Real Me. Only An Entity. Something Illusory.”American Psycho (2000)
Abdullahofarabia: حفل ام كلثوم ١٩٦٢ Om Kalthoum 1962
Cinema-Shots: Léon: The Professional (1994)
Huariqueje: The Beethoven Frieze , The Hostile Forces - Gustav Klimt , 1902 Austrian , 1862-1918 Oil , Plaster , 220 × 636 Cm. Gallery Belvedere, Vienna
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