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just-shower-thoughts: I really want marijuana to be legal, but only because I’m tired of grading terrible student papers about how marijuana should be legalized
Rudeho: I Love The Infinite Multiverse Theory Bc That Means There’s A Universe Where Ive Pulled Every Single Fire Alarm Ive Ever Seen
Armenain: Koi Fish: :O Me: :O
Actualasrieldreemurr: Cutthroat Kitchen, Undertale Edition: In This World, Its Grill Or Be Grilled.
Sexualified: Who Else Love Putting A Cold Pillow Between Their Legs @ Night
What The Everloving Fuck
Mr-Feelgood-Stuff: Mr-Feelgood-Stuff
Mr-Feelgood-Stuff: Mr-Feelgood-Stuff – “Take Your Pleasure Seriously”
Tacoabel: I Think I Got Asked Out On A Date Today
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