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thatonequeerkid: Champ Gundyr parry only but I’m unbelievably stoned and throw feces at him before I riposte.
Nothing Is Real.
Darkmatch: Knuckle Puck - No Good
❤️🔥Femme Fatale❤️🔥
Wekartu: -
Darkmatch: La Dispute - Bury Your Flame
Svenson777:Trollbundenavskogen (Erik Cederman) “Mist” 2016
Whirling Atoms.
Infantts: “The Rain Fell; And, Falling, It Was Rain, But, Having Fallen, It Was Blood.” — Edgar Allan Poe, From The Complete Works Of E. A. P.; “Siope, A Fable,” (Via Violentwavesofemotion)
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