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phosphorescentt: occupiedmuslim: Living on the shore of Lake Ontario, just east of Toronto, photographer Matt Molloy has daily encounters with brilliant sunsets and cloudscapes that he’s been taking photographs of for over three years. One day he

phosphorescentt:  occupiedmuslim:  Living on the shore of Lake Ontario, just east

phosphorescentt:  occupiedmuslim:  Living on the shore of Lake Ontario, just east

phosphorescentt:  occupiedmuslim:  Living on the shore of Lake Ontario, just east

phosphorescentt:  occupiedmuslim:  Living on the shore of Lake Ontario, just east

phosphorescentt:  occupiedmuslim:  Living on the shore of Lake Ontario, just east

phosphorescentt:  occupiedmuslim:  Living on the shore of Lake Ontario, just east

phosphorescentt:  occupiedmuslim:  Living on the shore of Lake Ontario, just east

Onizenmaru: ノイ蒼ログ6

Onizenmaru:  ノイ蒼ログ6

Suicidurs: If We Havent Talked In Forever I Am Very Sorry I Thought I Was Annoying You

Suicidurs:  If We Havent Talked In Forever I Am Very Sorry I Thought I Was Annoying

Doresol: エヴァンゲリオンキャラクター抱き枕カバーを作業しました。すごく楽しかったです(*´▽`*) 今度虎の穴さんから特集ページを作らせてもらいました。こんなことは初めてでしたのですっごく慌てて友達にこれ大丈夫??恥ずかしいよと聞いたら友達が笑いながら大丈夫って言ってWwまあ嬉しいですね~O(^O^)Oワクワクします!

Doresol:  エヴァンゲリオンキャラクター抱き枕カバーを作業しました。すごく楽しかったです(*´▽`*)

Nicoception: みくも

Nicoception:  みくも

Jaynejezebelle: So I Walked Into Class This Morning And Was Greeted By This.

Jaynejezebelle:  So I Walked Into Class This Morning And Was Greeted By This.

Inushige: 「伝」/「たえ」の作品 [Pixiv] #Pixitail

Inushige:  「伝」/「たえ」の作品 [Pixiv] #Pixitail

Anpan-San-Blog-Blog: By タルト紫

Anpan-San-Blog-Blog:  By タルト紫

;Where There Is Hope

;Where There Is Hope

Higasa: Original Work: 進撃の巨ジャン3(進撃まとめ) | トメ沢 [Pixiv]Translation &Amp;Amp; Typesetting: Higasa

Higasa:  Original Work: 進撃の巨ジャン3(進撃まとめ) | トメ沢

Dark Knight

Dark Knight



Thesexymaid: By: ユミカ

Thesexymaid:  By: ユミカ

lots of Swingersgw pics
SwordSwallowers pics gallery