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Don't. Think. Just. Do
Gaaaaaaaaaah&Amp;Hellip;. Jr. Yba Or Formal? Decisions Decisionsssssss
A-Blue-Shell: Ok But More Importantly Why Is There A White Guy Named Lamar ^^^^^ Hahha
Oh, Well Hello There Asdfsadfdsafsadsfdsafsadf
Kenziinthetardis: 9 Gifs Per Episode- Billy Nutter - The Birkin (1X03) Lol Like 70% Of Why I Watch The Show
Asking Melisa To Help Me With Ap Stats Stuff And She Didn&Amp;Rsquo;T Even Take Ap Stats -__________-
Ifibuiltyouacity: Anorexia Isn’t Skipping A Meal. Bulimia Isn’t Making Yourself Puke Every Once In A While. Self Injury Isn’t Taking A Razor To Your Skin When He Breaks Up With You (Again). Drug Addiction Isn’t Trying It One Time. Insomnia
Day 18: Catching Up
Reblog If You Legally Purchased Something Because You Saw It On Youtube Or Downloaded It.
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