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Vodkaeputaria-Deactivated201207: Não Adianta, Eu Não Nasci Pra Ser Certa E Muito Menos Santa.
Antes Eu Odiava A Escola
Just Another Small Town Girl
É Tudo Falta De Toddynho.
Magical Mermaid
A Lost Boy
Craving, Running.
Nossa Emancipação!!
Miss-Sora-Chan: Damn, They Found Us! Abort, Abort!
“But I Suppose That’s How He Wants You To Feel. Well If I Were You-Know-Who, I’d Want You To Feel Cut Off From Everyone Else. Because If It’s Just You Alone You’re Not As Much Of A Threat.”
''Trakinas O Biscoito Que É A Sua Cara!&Quot;
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