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Properfaggot: He Waited For Coach’S Orders. It Was Like This After Every Practice. The Rest Of The Team Hit The Showers, Jason Waited Shirtless For His Instructions. He Wasn’T Sure Why He Did It And He Wondered If It Was Odd That He Did It, But Despi
Believing His Wrists Were Held At His Sides By Formidable Manacles, The Hypnotized Jock Felt Himself Being Sucked Off By The Most Skilled Lips In The World&Amp;Ndash;To The Point Of Cumming By The Suggestion Alone.
A Prized Athlete Of Total Control University, The Clueless Jock Had No Idea His Training Mp3 Files Were Programming His Mind To Obey.â As Part Of Each Workout, He Was Compelled To Stand Before The Mirror, Drenched In Sweat, And Follow His Commands, &Amp;Ldqu
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Slipping Under&Amp;Hellip;Never To Come Back Up.
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He Thought He Was Spinning The Discs. Little Did He Know That His Master&Amp;Rsquo;S Words Were Subliminally Pumping Into His Headphones And Into His Psyche As He Pumped Up The Jams.
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Chad Had Been Hypnotized So Many Times, So Intensely, For So Long, That By Now The Imagined Manacles Bolted To His Naked Slave Body Seemed All Too Real. He Knew This Was His Life Now&Amp;Hellip;He Was Never Getting Out.
The Sk8Erboi Had Wanted To Try This Thing That His Mates Were Talking About&Amp;Hellip;Street Hypnosis. He Dimly Recalled It Being Fun, But Now He Was So Tired. He Had Never Felt So Utterly Relaxed And Yet So&Amp;Hellip;Submissive. He Had Forgotten His Name,
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