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tumbleringaroundtheworld:Ile Feydeau, Nantes - France
Tumbleringaroundtheworld:palácio Foz, Lisbon - Portugal
A Little Bit Of Everything
Relatetorocks: Photo: N. Geshi, H.seo / Geological Survey Of Japan
Tumbleringaroundtheworld:château Des Ducs De Bretagne, Nantes - France
Tumbleringaroundtheworld:muntjuïc, Barcelona - Spain
Tumbleringaroundtheworld:highlands, Scotland - United Kingdom
Tumbleringaroundtheworld:château De Versailles - France
Tumbleringaroundtheworld:catedral Nueva, Salamanca - Spain
Tumbleringaroundtheworld:château Royale De Blois, Blois - France
Excdus: Switzerland Infracolor™
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