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R-E-G-G-U-E-I-R-A:todos Os Direitos Reservados.
Jeanpierreleauds: Favorite Artists: Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890)“It Is Good To Love Many Things, For Therein Lies The True Strength, And Whosoever Loves Much Performs Much, And Can Accomplish Much, And What Is Done In Love Is Well Done.”
Spookyboy: Romeo Juliet (1996)
Despisinqs: Grunge As Fuck
Mare-Di-Nessuno:van Gogh Multimediale. (Florence, Italy)
Leuc: Van Gogh’s Flowers Flowers In A Vase, 1887 Vase Of Lilacs, Daisies And Anemones, 1887 Vase With Cornflowers And Poppies A Vase Of Roses, 1890 Almond Branches In Bloom, 1890 Bowl With Sunflowers, Roses And Other Flowers, 1886 Sunflowers, 1888
Brand-Upon-The-Brain:juice (Ernest R. Dickerson, 1992)
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