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Lo Cómico Es Que Mi Nombre Comienza Con Saturno.
La Triada De Horrores
Jolene, Jolene.
But, Like A Sad Slave, Stay And Think Of Noughtsave, Where You Are How Happy You Make Thoseso True A Fool Is Love That In Your Will,Though You Do Any Thing, He Thinks No Ill (Enochian Calling - Coil)
Roll Over!.-
¿Y Qué Necesidad Hay De Sentirse Encadenado A Otras Sensaciones Distintas A Las Del Placer? Marqués De Sade
Vivamus Mea Lesbia!
Entonces -¡Oh!-, ¡Pobre Alma Querida, La Eternidad No Estaría Perdida Para Nosotros! (Rimbaud)
O Thou, My Lovely Boy, Who In Thy Powerdost Hold Time&Amp;Rsquo;S Fickle Glass, His Sickle, Hour;Who Hast By Waning Grown, And Therein Show'stthy Lovers Withering As Thy Sweet Self Grow'st;If Nature, Sovereign Mistress Over Wrack,As Thou Goest Onwards, Still
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