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¿Y Qué Necesidad Hay De Sentirse Encadenado A Otras Sensaciones Distintas A Las Del Placer? Marqués De Sade
Vivamus Mea Lesbia!
Entonces -¡Oh!-, ¡Pobre Alma Querida, La Eternidad No Estaría Perdida Para Nosotros! (Rimbaud)
O Thou, My Lovely Boy, Who In Thy Powerdost Hold Time&Amp;Rsquo;S Fickle Glass, His Sickle, Hour;Who Hast By Waning Grown, And Therein Show'stthy Lovers Withering As Thy Sweet Self Grow'st;If Nature, Sovereign Mistress Over Wrack,As Thou Goest Onwards, Still
You&Amp;Rsquo;Ll Find Me If You Want Me In The Garden. The Garden - Einstürzende Neubauten
Respetemos Eternamente El Vicio Y No Combatamos Sino La Virtud Marqués De Sade
Sleep, Child, Sleep.
My Love, She Sleeps! Oh, May Her Sleep, As It Is Lasting, So Be Deep! Soft May The Worms About Her Creep! Far In The Forest, Dim And Old, For Her May Some Tall Vault Unfold! (Poe)
Suicidio! (La Gioconda)
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